Overcoming blind spots through self-awareness

Maintain your distance

Have you ever had the experience of being completely unaware of something obvious to others? Or have you ever acted in a way that seemed reasonable to you, but caused confusion or frustration in those around you?

If so, then you’ve likely encountered a blind spot. Blind spots are areas of our lives where we lack self-awareness and are often the root cause of interpersonal conflict and personal stagnation.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome blind spots and increase self-awareness.

What are Blind Spots?

Blind spots are aspects of ourselves that we are unaware of or fail to acknowledge.

They are often areas of our personality, behaviour, or beliefs that are hidden from our conscious awareness.

Blind spots can hurt our personal and professional relationships, as well as our ability to grow and improve.

Why Do We Have Blind Spots?

Blind spots exist because of the way our brains work. Our brains are wired to filter out information that is not immediately relevant to our survival or goals.

This filtering process allows us to focus our attention on the things that matter most, but it can also lead to a lack of awareness of our own biases and limitations.

Additionally, lapses can be a result of our upbringing, culture, and socialization.

We may be conditioned to think and act in certain ways without even realizing it. For example, someone who grew up in a patriarchal culture may have blind spots around gender equality without even realizing it.

Benefits of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the foundation of personal growth and development.

When we are self-aware, we are better able to understand our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This understanding allows us to identify our blind spots and work to overcome them.

Increased self-awareness also leads to better decision-making, improved communication, and stronger relationships.

When we understand our own needs and desires, we are better able to express them to others, which leads to more authentic and fulfilling connections.

How to Overcome Blind Spots through Self-Awareness

1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment.

By being present at the moment, we are better able to observe our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without getting caught up in them.

This awareness allows us to identify our blind spots and work to overcome them.

2. Seek feedback: Feedback is essential for identifying our hidden faults.

Ask friends, family members, and colleagues for feedback on your behaviour and communication style.

Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

3. Reflect on your experiences: Take time to reflect on your experiences and consider how your behaviour and communication style may have contributed to the outcome.

Journaling can be a helpful tool for this type of reflection.

4. Challenge your assumptions: We all have assumptions and biases that can create blind spots.

Challenge your assumptions by considering alternative perspectives and seeking out diverse viewpoints.

5. Work with a coach or therapist: A coach or therapist can provide guidance and support in identifying and overcoming these lapses.

They can help you develop a growth plan and provide accountability as you work towards your goals.

Wrapping Up

Blind spots can be a major obstacle to personal growth and success.

By increasing our self-awareness, we can identify and overcome these lapses, leading to improved relationships and greater fulfilment in all areas of our lives.

By practising mindfulness, seeking feedback, reflecting on our experiences, challenging our assumptions, and working with a coach or therapist, we can develop the self-awareness necessary to overcome our lapses and achieve our full potential