Princess Agbomma and the Blind Beggar (African Folktale)

Princess Agbomma is a beautiful lady who captivates the community of men whenever she passes with her maidens, leaving them enchanted.

Unmarried men wish they had never wed so they could marry her, while those with ill intentions desire her for their own pleasure.

Her beauty is so captivating that even married women wouldn’t mind sacrificing their position as the first wife to allow their husband to marry her.

Princess Agbomma is loved by many
Unmarried men wish they had never wed so they could marry her, while those with ill intentions desire her for their own pleasure

Long ago, the spirit king of the Ekpukekpu kingdom saw Princess Agbomma in a garden, picking beautiful flowers. Enchanted by her beauty, he approached her father to seek her hand in marriage.

However, the king declined, stating that his daughter was too young to marry and couldn’t make such decisions for herself.

The spirit king requested for Agbomma's hand in marriage
However, the king declined, stating that his daughter was too young to marry and couldn’t make such decisions for herself.

This rejection angered the spirit king, who harbored resentment towards the king and plotted to take revenge.

One faithful Eke market day, as Princess Agbomma passed through the lonely path of Awale with her maidens, she encountered a blind beggar seeking help.

The princess, noticing his plight, ordered her maidens to ensure he was well taken care of.

Princess Agbomma met a blind man and had pity on him
One faithful Eke market day, as Princess Agbomma passed through the lonely path of Awale with her maidens, she encountered a blind beggar seeking help.

When the princess reported a troubling dream to her father, the king ordered the blind man’s arrest. Despite thorough searches, the guards could not find him.

Two days later, the princess had another unsettling dream, prompting her to seek her father’s counsel again.

Princess had a scary dream
Two days later, the princess had another unsettling dream, prompting her to seek her father’s counsel again.

The Chief Priest hinted at the blind man having a role to play but assured the king of the princess’s safety.

Deep in the forest of Ekpukekpu, the missing princess was found tied against a tree with her maidens. She had been kidnapped by the Ekpukekpu spirits, who harbored resentment towards the king for denying their spirit king’s request to marry his daughter.

A marriage ceremony was organized in the Ekpukekpu kingdom, but just as it was about to proceed, the blind beggar emerged and disrupted the proceedings.

He revealed the truth about the king’s actions, leading to the downfall of the king and the rescue of the princess.

The blind begger stopped the marriage from taking place
the blind beggar emerged and disrupted the proceedings.

The spirit king, realizing his mistake, apologized and sent the princess and the once-blind beggar back to their kingdom with his warriors. The princess, surprising everyone, requested to marry the blind man.

The king gave his blessings, and during their traditional marriage ceremony, the blind man regained his sight upon drinking a special potion offered by the princess.

Princess Agbomma got married to the once-blind man
the blind man regained his sight upon drinking a special potion offered by the princess.

The Chief Priest explained that the blind man had been destined to save the princess and become the kingdom’s next king, which brought joy to the entire kingdom.

And so, Princess Agbomma married the once-blind beggar, and they lived happily ever after.